Prof. Stefan Wagner presents AISA

AISA Kick-Off Event Resumé

April 30, 2022 /

AISA visions and AISA research posters introduced to the public

Successful official kick-off event

On April 27, 2022 the Artificial Intelligence Software Academy (AISA, website) shared their visions and objectives with the public. The event was attended by approximately 50 people from within the University of Stuttgart, from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Wuerttemberg and from the Cyber Valley ecosystem.

The board of directors shared the idea of the AISA TRIangle and went on to compact representations of the constituting Trainging and Research parts. After the official presentations, the 11 AISA research projects presented posters while the discussions were supported by snacks and drinks. We would like to thank the young talents working within the AISA research projects for their great posters and for the stimulating discussions that took place for more the two hours before the official end of the event.

Pro-Rector for Research, Prof. Manfred Bischoff
Welcoming AISA at the University of Stuttgart
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