Introduction to Modern Cryptography

Master | ST | 6 ECTS | DE/EN

Basic information

C@MPUS: Description of the module, dates, link to the Ilias-group

Scheduled semester

2. semester Master (according to curriculum)


Annual, in the winter term 



Associated events
  • Lecture and exercises on Introduction to Modern Cryptography

Autonomous Systems (M.Sc.), Bachelor Lehramt mit Kunst, Bachelor Lehramt mit Musik, Bachelor of Arts Teaching Qualification, Computational Linguistics (M.Sc.), Computer Science (B.Sc. /M.Sc. / Exchange Program), Data Science (B.Sc.), Electrical Engineering (Exchange Program), Informatics (M. Ed.), Information Technology (M.Sc.), Mathematics (B. Sc.. / M.Sc.), Mechanical Engineering / Maschinenbau (M.Sc.), Media Computer Science (B.Sc.), Simulation Technology (B.Sc.), Software Engineering (B.Sc. / M.Sc.)

Lecturer in summer term 2022:

This image shows Ralf Küsters

Ralf Küsters

Prof. Dr.

Head of Institute

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